Digital Emergency Planning
Risk analysis and risk management
Media Monitoring
Education and training
About DBI

Analysis and management of risks

You will be able to create a dynamic registry for your risks, measuring parameters, and process activities which help you manage your work with contingency planning and risk management.

Digital Emergency Planning allows you – qualitatively and quantitatively – to handle your threats and risks. It will be possible to establish dynamic processes and activities. Furthermore it is possible to appoint a responsible person and set deadlines to processing of the individual risks and threats.

Through the module, you will be able to set up mitigating measures in relation to the identified risks. This will allow you to get an overview of the financial conditions in your risk management.

Digital Emergency Planning helps you in the process of communication and managing risks, so the work with contingency planning and risk management becomes user-friendly, easy and comfortable.

You also have the opportunity to seek advice in relation to the issues you identify along the way. DBI provides counsel regarding security, fire, supply chain, cyber-security and investigation.

The module is still under development. If you have specific questions, or you would like to hear more - contact us.